Cat food meaty feast Kitekat

Cat food meaty feast Kitekat

1.9 kg
4400 4990
  • SKU 039766
  • Country Russia
  • Brand Kitekat
  • Calories (kcal) 340
  • Energy Value (kJ) 1422
Full Description
  • Description: for adult cats.
  • Ingredients: cereals and products of their processing, animal flour, chicken protein hydrolyzate, animal fats and vegetable oils (including sunflower oil), beet pulp, salt, minerals, vitamins, amino acids (including taurine), dyes, antioxidants , dried carrots.
  • Energy value per 100g: 340kcal/1422kJ
  • Nutritional value per 100g: protein-26g, fat-10g, ash-9g, fiber-5g, calcium-1.5g, phosphorus-0.9g, vitamin A-1200ME, vitamin E-5.5mg, vitamin D-120ME.
  • The product does not contain artificial flavors, flavor enhancers.
  • Storage conditions: store at temperature +4°C to +35°C and relative air humidity no more than 75%.
  • Packaging: polyethylene

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