Dark chocolate sugar free Победа

Dark chocolate sugar free Победа

100 g
  • SKU 049151
  • Country Russia
  • Brand Победа
  • Calories (kcal) 460
  • Energy Value (kJ) 1930
Full Description
  • The content in dark chocolate (not more than): total dry residue of cocoa: 40%, cocoa butter: 20%
  • Ingredients: cocoa liquor, sweetener: maltitol, milk whey, cocoa butter, inulin 10%, cocoa powder, emulsifier: soy lecithin, natural vanilla, sweetener: stevia extract.
  • Energy value per 100g: 460kcal/1930kJ
  • Nutrition value per 100g: proteins-8.5g, carbohydrates-33g, fats-33g, of which saturated fatty acids-13g.
  • GMO free
  • Storage conditions: store at temperature of 18±3°C and relative humidity of air not more than 70%.
  • Packaging: paper

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