Instant noodles with chicken flavor Сан Ремо

Instant noodles with chicken flavor Сан Ремо

50 g
  • SKU 105269
  • Country Russia
  • Brand Сан Ремо
  • Calories (kcal) 410
  • Energy Value (kJ) 1720
Full Description
  • Description: instant pasta products with food components.
  • Ingredients: vermicelli, premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, drinking water, salt, complex food additive (thickener dextrin, antioxidants, citric acid, ascorbic acid), emulsifiers (E339, E450, E452, lecithin), baking powder sodium carbonate, stabilizer potassium carbonate.
  • Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins 7.5 g, carbohydrates 50.0 g, fats 20.0 g.
  • Storage conditions: store at a temperature of 30℃ and a relative humidity of 70%.
  • Packaging: foil

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