Salted fish cracker Daroink

Salted fish cracker Daroink

250 g
  • SKU 106028
  • Country Armenia
  • Brand Daroink
  • Calories (kcal) 462
  • Energy Value (kJ) 1941
Full Description
  • Ingredients: wheat flour, margarine (refined and deodorized vegetable oils, emulsifiers: mono- and diglyceride fatty acids E471), soy lecithin (E322), table salt, water, food coloring: carotene (E160a), preservative, potassium sorbate (E200) , drinking water, chicken eggs, table salt, corn starch, sugar, malt concentrate, sunflower oil (refined, deodorized), thickeners: sodium bicarbonate (E500), ammonium bicarbonate (E503), yeast, bread improver, wheat and soy flour, emulsifiers. - esters of glycerol and diacetyl fatty acids (E472e), antioxidant - ascorbic acid (E300), enzyme, food flavoring "milk".
  • Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins 7 g, carbohydrates 68 g, fats 18 g.
  • Storage conditions: store at a temperature of (18±5)℃ and a relative humidity of 75%.
  • Packing: polyethylene

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